At Lagar do Vento we are committed to another way of making wine, integrating our vineyard into the natural and human landscape. We are pioneers in regenerative viticulture and we constantly work on generating solutions to create a positive impact on our ecosystem.

Our vineyard is located in the Ribeira Sacra biosphere reserve, a special environment, but extremely fragile. For this reason, we believe that we are responsible for their care, avoiding industrial practices that deplete the soil and harm biodiversity.

Our vineyard is a source of diversity, where Atlantic species such as tojo are mixed, with others of a Mediterranean character such as orange trees, olive trees or fig trees. Our commitment is to support and strengthen this natural wealth, which is also our best weapon to fight against vine diseases. The best ally against parasites and diseases is to create the right environment for the growth of insect communities and indigenous microorganisms, rather than relying on pesticides.

Well kept, the soil is one of the main carbon sinks. At Lagar do Vento, we want to put our grain of sand to fight human-caused global warming, which puts our existence at risk in the long term.
All these practices are carried out without renouncing precision agriculture and quality control techniques to ensure that the what is not overshadowed by the how.



Finally, we are committed to the rural development of the Concello de Chantada, where the farms are located. We believe that the natural landscape cannot be understood without the human landscape in a place where the winemaking tradition goes back centuries and even millennia. Our commitment is to help ensure that this relationship can be maintained by preserving local employment and helping to prevent rural exodus.

What is regenerative viticulture?

Historically, agriculture has come at a huge environmental cost. Regenerative viticulture aims not only to conserve the environment but also to regenerate the soil and environment while maximizing the opportunity to inhibit human-induced climate change. We are the only members in Galicia of the pioneering Regenerative Viticulture Association, which brings together vineyards and wineries in Spain
That seek to help reverse climate change, as well as the Regenerative Viticulture Foundation, a global association aligned with the UN's sustainable development goals.

Our Peizás estate: left, insect hotel; right, state of the soil after three years of regenerative practices.